Academic Support. This category includes expenditures for those activities carried out in direct support of one or more of the three primary programs (Instruction, Research, and Public Service). The activities that should be classified in this category include (1) activities related to the preservation, maintenance, and display of both the stock of knowledge and educational materials (for example, library services and museums); (2) activities that directly contribute to the way in which instruction is delivered or research is conducted (such as academic computing support); (3) activities directly related to the administration of academic programs; and (4) activities related to the professional development of academic personnel.


The activities that should be classified in the Academic Support category differ from those classified in the other support categories in that they are carried out in direct support of one or more of the three primary programs. While some activities of the Student Service program (such as social and cultural events) may contribute indirectly to the Clemson's instructional objectives, they are generally considered to be a supplement to the Instruction program rather than a direct contributor to its objectives. The Institutional Support program, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with Clemson University as an operating entity and tends to focus on Clemson University as a whole rather than upon individual programs.


401.    Libraries.

This category includes expenditures for those activities that directly support the collection, cataloging, storage, and distribution of published materials in support of one or more of Clemson's primary programs. To be included in this category, library services should be separately funded. (Thus, the purchase of books by a department from its general funds would not be classified in this category even though a departmental "library" is produced.).


402.    Museums and Galleries.

This category includes expenditures for those activities related to the collection, preservation, and exhibition of historical materials, art objects, scientific displays, and so forth, that support one or more of Clemson's primary programs. Activities classified in this category should be separately funded. Thus, the purchase of objects by a department from its general funds would not be classified in this category even though a departmental "museum" is produced. Research activities associated with the museum should be classified under category 202, Individual or Project Departmental.

403. Education Media Service.

This category includes expenses for organized activities providing audiovisual and other services that aid in the transmission of information in support of the institution's instuction, research and public service programs


404. Academic Computing.

This category includes expenditures for those computer services that have been established to provide direct support for one or more of Clemson's primary programs. Administrative data-processing services and computing support should be included in category 606, Administrative Computing Support.


406. Academic Administration.

This category consists of those expenditures for activities that provide administrative and management support specifically for Clemson's academic programs. It includes the activities of the college deans, the administrative activities of departmental chairpersons, and the activities of their associated support staff. The activities of administrative officers whose responsibilities are institution-wide and include some duties outside the academic realm (such as Vice-Presidents and Vice-Chancellors) should be included under category 601, Executive Management.

The following activities are also in this category.

407. Course / Curriculum Development

This category consists of expenditures for those activities of a formal planning and development nature established either to improve or to add to Clemson's curriculum. The following activities are also in this category.


Those activities that individual faculty members carry out to update and improve their current course offerings (independent of any formalized set of activities having a course and curriculum development objective) should be considered part of the instructional program and classified appropriately in that category.


408. Academic Personnel Development

This category includes expenditures for those activities that provide the faculty with opportunities for personal and professional growth and development, as well as those activities intended to evaluate and reward the professional performance of the faculty. It should include departmental research activities (or some appropriate portion of those activities) when they are carried out for the express purpose of the professional and personal development of academic personnel.